"White Rice" is the fifth episode of the seventh season of ''American Dad!'' It first aired in the United States on Fox on November 21, 2010. This episode mostly centers around Francine, who has consistently been involved in various arguments with Stan about her bringing her parents into their home. Stan convinces Francine to go see a therapist to help smoothen their relationship, which turns out to be a hypnotist. The hypnotist, named Sal, eventually tells her to let go of the repressed memories she had from Stan. Later that day, Francine discovers a secret stash, which contain videos of her doing stand-up comedy when she was younger. Francine is enraged that Stan erased her memories of being a comedian. She later lands a role in a sitcom entitled "White Rice", and she vows to pursue her dream of being famous and rich. This episode was written by Rick Wiener and Kenny Schwartz, and was directed by Bob Bowen. It was met with mostly positive reception from most television critics upon its airing, with much of the praise stemming from the main storyline, as well as the humor. This episode was viewed by 4.83 million homes during its initial airing, and acquired a 2.3 rating in the 18-49 demographic, according to the Nielson ratings. This episode feature a guest appearance from Jason Alexander, as well as several recurring voice actors and actresses for the show. ==Plot== Greg and Terry see Stan and Francine outside having an argument as Francine wants to consider moving her aging parents to town, and Stan does not want to discuss it. Stan tells her he will go to a therapist with her, making her happy. However, it turns out the therapist is a hypnotist named Sal, who Stan brings Francine to every year to be hypnotized into doing stuff he prefers while he gets a sandwich, always walking out before Sal can finish asking Stan to get one for him. Sal tells Francine she will not remember the sessions, and she represses her memories. A year goes by and Francine has exactly the same argument with Stan again, and they go to see Sal again. Stan goes to get a sandwich again before Sal can finish asking Stan to get him one, making Sal angry. When Stan comes back in the room, Sal tells Francine she will remember everything Stan made her repress. Stan is horrified, and asks Sal why he did that. Sal replies that Stan's been coming to him for twenty years, and never once offered to bring him a sandwich whenever Stan went out for one. Stan tries hypnotising Francine the same way Sal did but she kicks him in the balls, while he yells "Emilio!". Francine scolds at Stan as she remembers everything from Stan not vaccinating Hayley's twin brother (resulting in his death) to Stan sleep-punching her. When they return home, more repressed memories come back, and remembers that she had a secret hole in the floor in Stan's plate room, which used to be Francine's home office. Francine discovers a videotape in the hole and puts it in Roger's VCR to find out she was once a comedian that made fun of Asians, mainly referring to her being adopted by Chinese parents. Francine decides to pursue her dream as a comedian, with Roger being her agent. Francine is mad that Stan does not watch her comedy routine, and convinces Stan to go. Roger gets some executives to watch her show. Francine throws up at the beginning. Stan, convinced that her life as a comedian is over, leaves. Francine and Roger come back with good news, that Francine has been picked up for a new sitcom on Fox. Francine's dream takes her to Hollywood, where her new show is recorded. Stan, sad that Francine is gone, sulks on the couch. Klaus convinces him that he needs to accept the changes if he wants to get Francine back. Stan rushes onto the set, with everything that Francine has wanted to discuss in the last twenty years. Stan comes onto the set of Francine's new show and talks with Francine, showing that Stan has gotten twenty dogs, one for each year she wanted to talk about it, painted the kitchen purple, etc. It turns out Francine only wanted to discuss those matters, before she actually decides whether to do them or not. Stan and Francine make up, accepting that they can live their lives in Los Angeles. The crew then watch the premier of the show ''White Rice''. But despite its comedic success, the show ends up being canceled after a single joke because Asians found her jokes to be too racist. Francine and Stan move back to Langley Falls with Roger killing off his persona. Back at home, Francine finally discusses her parents moving in, and they both agree that it is a terrible idea. Meanwhile, Steve gets another fish which Klaus starts falling in love with. Over the duration of the episode, they get married and they have children that resemble each other. Unfortunately, this does not turn out well, because Klaus' "wife" is a dumb mindless fish that starts eating their children, not just out of hunger, even leaving one half-eaten. Eventually Klaus is ignored and the relationship falls apart, culminating in Klaus killing her and using Stan's shovel to bury the body. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「White Rice (American Dad!)」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク